Impact Funding Europe has a particular focus on Climate Neutral and Smart Cities EU Grant Funding in Horizon Europe. Within these overarching themes there are a multitude of potential topics and projects, from Digital Twins and Interoperability, to Clean Energy and Smart Mobility. If your organisation can offer solutions, innovations, research or networks in any of the following topics, we would be interested to have a meeting.
Clean Energy
The transition away from fossil fuels and towards a smart, sustainable and renewable energy system.

The Farm to Fork Strategy is at the heart of the European Green Deal aiming to make food systems fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly.

The Sustainable & Smart Mobility Strategy will guide Europe’s work and lay the foundation for how the EU transport system can achieve its green and digital transformation.

Open Data
The success of Europe’s digital transformation will depend on establishing effective rules to ensure trustworthy technologies, to give businesses the confidence and means to digitise, and to ensure highest privacy standards for citizens.

Green Deal
The European Green Deal is the plan to make the EU's economy sustainable by turning climate and environmental challenges into opportunities and making the transition just and inclusive for all.

Smart City
Cities using technological solutions to improve the management and efficiency of the urban environment, and to make living in urban areas healthier, sustainable and more attractive.